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EIU Health Education Resource Center

Health Promotion


About Us! 

Welcome to the Health Promotion page for EIU’s HERC!  We provide the EIU students with a handful of information relating to sexual health, sleep management, alcohol use, marijuana use, and cover other general health and wellness topics. It is our hope to help you with all your goals and or concerns regarding personal wellness. Even if we cannot answer all your questions, meet your goals, or address your concerns, we are dedicated to helping you find the right resources. We both have extensive knowledge in health promotion and a passion for educating students on health-related topics! Check out our open sessions below and don't hesitate to reach out to us!

                                                      - Navleen and Maddy

See Below for the Spring 2025 Open Sessions!


Myth Busting Alcohol

This presentation discusses how alcohol affects the body. We will discuss the short term and long term affects along with a few misconceptions people often believe. Learn the myths of alcohol, blood alcohol content (BAC),& standard drinking sizes.


          Date                                                     Time                                                             Location                                     

        3/5/25                                         5:00pm- 6:00pm                                      Stevenson Hall Lobby


Rubber Lovers

This is an interactive program that educates students on condom use and other healthy sexual behaviors.Learn about safer sex practices and earn yourself a free monthly safer sex packet.


       Date                                               Time                                                          Location                      

      2/5/25                                      5:00pm – 6:00pm                                       Blair Hall Room 2165

    *2/24/25                                     6:00-7:00pm                                                  McKinney Hall


* Join us on the 24th for our special Rainbow Rubber Lovers! In this session we cover the same topics as we do in our traditional rubber lovers presentation with a special focus on those who are LGBTQ+ and how these topics effect them. All are welcome to attend!

Snoozin' Like a Panther

This presentation focuses on sleep habits including tips and tricks for a good night's rest.


       Date                                              Time                                                            Location         

      4/10/25                                    5:00pm – 6:00pm                                       Blair Hall Room 2165


At Your Cervix

This presentation goes over important and essential health topics for women. We will cover a variety of topics from breast and vaginal health to PAP tests.


       Date                                                     Time                                                             Location     

    2/27/25                                      5:00 PM-6:00 PM                                        Blair Hall Room 2165


Out and About!

Throughout the semester we'll be around campus hosting tabling events and fun programs. Stop by and check out these exciting events!

Cover Your Stinger Tabling:

- 2/4 9:00 AM-Noon & 2/5 1:00 PM-4:30 PM @ MLK J Student Unition Food Court Table

Contraception Tabling: 

- 2/26 9:00 AM-Noon & 2/27 1:00 PM-4:30 PM @ MLK Jr Student Union Food Court Table

Spring Break Safety Tabling:

- 3/11 9:00 AM-Noon & 3/12 1:00 PM-4:30 PM @ EIU Recreation Center Total EIU Table

Paddy on Safely Tabling:

- 3/4 9:00 AM-Noon & 3/5 1:00 PM-4:30 PM @ EIU Recreation Center Total EIU Table

Foolin' Sleepy Tabling:

- 4/9 9:00 AM-Noon & 4/10 1:00 PM-4:30 PM @ MLK Jr Student Union Food Court Table

Can You Beleaf' It? Tabling:

- 4/16 9:00 AM-Noon & 4/17 1:00 PM-4:30 PM @ MLK Jr Student Union Food Court Table

Contact Us!

If you are interested in meeting with us personally, fill out a form here: Health Promo Consultation or us at or 



Outside Available Resources:

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) 

Rethinking Drinking Homepage - NIAAA

About Cannabis (Marijuana)

American Sexual Health Association: Your Source For Sexual Health Information

National Sleep Foundation

Related Pages

Contact Information

Health Education Resource Center

2201 Blair Hall
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920

Academic Year Hours

8am – 4:30 pm

Summer Hours

8am – 4:30 Monday – Thursday, 8am – 12pm Friday

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